Maria Tagi

Senior sustainability analyst

Maria Vittoria Tagi is a Senior Sustainability Analyst at Blue like an Orange Since September 2023. She worked for five years in the Sustainability and Sustainable Finance industries.

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Maria Vittoria Tagi is Senior Sustainability Analyst at Blue like an Orange Since September 2023.

She has five years of experience in Sustainability and Sustainable Finance Sectors.

Prior to joining Blue like an Orange, Maria Vittoria worked for more than 4 years at KPMG Luxembourg in Sustainable Finance consulting focusing on a wide range of ESG topics (e.g. Green, Social and Sustainability Bonds, Sustainability Assurance, Sustainable Finance Regulations, Sustainability Reporting, Carbon Footprint Calculations, etc.) for different types of clients, including Asset Managements, Multilateral Development Bank, International Investment Funds, Retail Banks, Stock Exchanges, and Multinational companies. Before that, she worked at the European Commission as a Trainee in the Economic and Finance Directorate.

She holds a Bachelor in Management and a Master in Economics and International Development at Bocconi University in Milan. Further to that she obtained the certificate of “Expert in Sustainable Finance” from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.

Maria Vittoria is a native of Italy and she is currently based in Luxembourg.

She holds a Bachelor in Management and a Master in Economics and International Development at Bocconi University in Milan. Further to that she obtained the certificate of “Expert in Sustainable Finance” from the Frankfurt School of Finance & Management.

Maria Vittoria is a native of Italy and she is currently based in Luxembourg.